BizPac Review

An “unreal” reminder about how President Joe Biden’s administration prepped for a visiting dignitary added insult to injury amid latest reports on “repeatedly denied requests” for the former president’s security detail.


The Article III Project President Mike Davis juxtaposed that report with a story published in ABC News that showed during that same timeframe, the resident-in-chief pulled out all the stops to protect Eastern Europe’s “greatest salesman,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

“The Biden administration beefed up Secret Service protection for President Zelenskyy. And denied beefed up Secret Service protection for President Trump,” wrote Davis over the side-by-side that included the headline from Dec. 21, 2022, “Zelenskyy’s security in Washinton being treated as ‘mini-state visit,’ sources say.”


Read the full article HERE.