Fox News

A new report led by Judiciary committee member Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., is "nonsense" and "the continuation of the Democrats' lawfare against Justice Brett Kavanaugh," according to the chief counsel on nominations for Republicans at the time.

"We followed the normal procedures for a Supreme Court nominee to do his background investigation," said Mike Davis, the former chief counsel for nominations to former Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa. "And the Senate does its own investigation."


Davis told Fox News Digital in an interview, "It's just a silly premise that these senators think that the FBI was going to solve crimes in this particular nomination. That's not their role here."

He also noted that the provision of the report to the Senate for their review was a courtesy that began with President Clinton.

"The Senate is not supposed to just rely on the FBI. The FBI does not work for the Senate. The FBI works for the president," he said.

"They're trying to figure out whether the nominee has the character and fitness to serve," he emphasized.

Davis also recalled that the investigation into Kavanaugh was re-opened on the request of a few Republican senators and additional witnesses were interviewed. Those Republicans were apparently satisfied with the additional interviews and voted to confirm.

Davis claimed that Democrats in the Senate "refused to cooperate" during Kavanaugh's confirmation procedure.

"We had witnesses come in for live testimony, including Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh," he pointed out. "They came in for live testimony. And the Senate Democrats are saying that the FBI didn't investigate all the tips that came in."

"There were thousands and thousands and thousands of tips that came in. Those tips were printed. Every one of those tips was printed, and it was delivered to the Senate for every senator to review," he explained.

Not only could every senator access all the tips, Davis claimed, but they could have also asked for an investigation or "done the investigation themselves with their own staff."

Additionally, he remarked that "almost every one of those tips were utter garbage."

"An alien crash-landed in my house and said that Brett Kavanaugh sexually abused me," he joked about the described nonsensical tips.

The report is "a pathetic attempt by Sheldon Whitehouse to try to intimidate and cowl the Supreme Court justices before they may have to decide on crucial election cases, with the election coming up," Davis said.

"Maybe Senator Sheldon Whitehouse had one too many Mai Tais at his all-White beach club when he concocted this latest conspiracy theory," he added.


Read the full article HERE.