PJ Media

Testimony is set to start on Monday in the Hush Trump bookkeeping trial and there's one name you'll want to remember. This name has been on the lips of Donald Trump and his supporters who know the hidden hand behind the bizarre and novel lawsuits meant to dirty up Trump before Election Day 2024. He's the man sent by the left to Get Trump.


Colangelo's far-left credentials are first-rate. He worked for the Obama Administration under Tom Perez when "Perez was Obama's head of Civil Rights and worked for Perez when he was Obama's Labor Secretary," Mike Davis of the Article III project says of the radical lawyer.

"When Tom Perez went to be Obama's DNC head, Matthew Colangelo went into Obama's White House as a labor relations guy, and then [he] joined the New York Attorney General's Office," Davis says.


Davis told Newsmax that the trial is as one-sided as you can imagine, accusing Judge Merchan of "conducting a clearly rigged jury selection process and ensuring President Trump will not receive a fair trial by allowing left-wing activists to be seated on his jury." He predicted that "There is little doubt this biased New York jury will absolutely find Trump guilty for these non-felonies, and partisan operative Judge Merchan will convict him."


"Democrat prosecutors Alvin Bragg, and Matthew Colangelo who came from the Biden Justice Department, and this Democrat Judge Juan Merchan who donated to Biden, whose daughter is making a lot of money. [She] has raised $100 million off of her father's unprecedented criminal trial of Trump," Davis said.

And the most important feature of the trial Davis says is that "they don't care if this is reversed after November 5, 2024." "Their sole goal," he said, "is to get a criminal conviction to call Trump a felon before November 5, 2024, and maybe even put him in prison because they are trying to interfere in the 2024 election." He said it's real simple. "They're trying to break this process so Trump can't win the election."


Read the full article HERE.