Political Animal News

Democrat lackeys in the judicial system have been doing their party’s bidding for years but they’re finally starting to be exposed one by one.

One judge went on a tirade against Donald Trump on CNN.


But Walton’s decision to unleash such vitriol publicly is already coming back to haunt him, as Article III Project founder Mike Davis has filed an ethics complaint against Walton with the Washington, D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.

“We are seeing a dangerous pattern in which DC federal judges, like [Judge Walton] have convinced themselves they have a duty — unbounded by the judicial canons — to make extrajudicial pronouncements about President Trump,” the complaint read.

“It is much worse when a different judge — especially a sitting federal judge — thinks it is his job to moonlight as a CNN commentator on a pending criminal case in another judge’s court,” the complaint added.


Read the full article HERE.